Career Centers: Key Stop for Internship Seekers

Career Centers: Key Stop for Internship Seekers

Results from the 2011 ERC/NOCHE Intern & Recent Grad Pay Rates & Practices Survey indicate that career center services at colleges/universities remain the top resource utilized by Northeast Ohio companies to advertise internship opportunities.

According to the survey, which is conducted annually by ERC in collaboration with the Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education (NOCHE), since 2009, over 60% of organizations consistently prefer the use of career centers compared to other sources utilized.

Other sources cited as commonly used include campus outreach (ex. career fairs, advertising), building relationships with college/university professors, as well as alumni contacts within these colleges/universities. 
This suggests that not only do college/university students dominate the internship workforce, but that utilization of their career centers is key to obtaining the internships they seek.

Research done here at ERC shows that career centers provide many benefits for both the employer and the potential intern.  For the employer, at minimum, most career centers offer job boards or an internal website to post internship opportunities.  For students, there are often a myriad of other services their career center offers to both help in their internship search, and in solidifying a career choice.

View the Intern & Recent Graduate Pay Rates & Practices Survey

This survey reports data from Northeast Ohio employers about their internship and recent graduate employment and pay practices.

View the Results